History bears testimony that Prophets came to free mankind from the slavery of their carnal desires and make them true servants of Allah, so that they can attain peace in this world and hereafter. Prophets had never worked for the accumulation of pleasures and comforts of this world, neither for themselves nor for their followers. The night when Holy Prophet SAAW died, even there was no oil in the lamp in His house.
In contrast to such pious souls, there have always been imposters who decieved mankind in the name of religion, only to accumulate wealth, only to fill their coffers. They not only traded their faith for the petty comforts of this life, but worse than that, they were responsible for destroying the faith of many who were unfortunate enough to get trapped in the fraud their religious deception.
In this new AlFatwa, we will reveal those aspects of the life of one such imposter, namely, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, founder of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, which concerns his lust for money and show to which extent he had sold himself out to achive his goal. We hope and pray that his followers would see how they have been taken for a ride. May Allah give them the wisdom to distinguish truth from falsehood and then follow the right path. Ameen.
Dear readers!
As Muslims we firmly believe that the revelation (wahi) came to an end on our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW. However suppose that this revelation were to continue (as all the imposters and false claimants to prophethood boast) and that one night, all of a sudden, you hear Allah talking to you. Can you imagine what that must feel like? The overwhelming presence of Allah talking to somebody as meaninglessly small as a simple man... What a profound impact that must have!! When Allah addressed Hazrat Musa (Moses) (alaihe assalam) on the Mount Sinai, Moses wanted to see Him. When Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW ascended to heavens to meet Allah, Prophet SAAW asked for the salvation of his followers.
But when an imposter claims that Allah has addressed him, what are his worries? Naturally, his worries would be related to his fraudulent claims. Proof? Read his writings, and you will discover the truth yourself.
First address (so-called):
"When I received the revelation foretelling the death of my father, human weakness made me think that since some of the sources of the income of our family would cease with my father's death, we might be put in trouble" (Mirza Ghulam quoted in "The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement", by Muhammad Ali, p. 7; also see Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.194)
Dear Readers!
This is suppose to be the first address of God to Mirza, and what is he worried about? Money! God is informing him of the impending death of his father, and what is worrying Mirza? Shortage of money!!
Worries after the appointment:
According to Mirza Ghulam, at that time he did not yet know what his job here on earth was to be. It is some time later, that Allah allegedly makes Mirza - God Forbid - the second advent of Jesus (as). How does Mirza Ghulam experience this major turn in his life?
"It was necessary that according to the promise someone in the ummah was named Mary and then she would have promoted so that Jesus is born from her and he would be known as Ibne Maryam (son of Mary); that is me. Revelation 'huzzee ilaike' was sent to Mary and as well as me but the only difference being that Mary was then suffering from physical exhaustion and I was suffering from lack of financial means" (Nazool-ul-Masih p. 163)
Once again, Mirza behaves according to his hidden desires! God is appointing Mirza Ghulam as Jesus (as) son of Mary, and what does Mirza think of? Money!! Subhan Allah!! What a contrast between a true Prophet and a false claimant.
Reasons for Divine Ordination:
Why did God choose Mirza for this task? Mirza's revelation also shed lights on this in following revelations:
"The Promised Messiah received the revelation (Arabic): Make this commerce profitable for me." (Register of Rivayat Sahaba, Vol. XI, p. 106, and Vol. XIV, p. 14)
"The Promised Messiah received the revelation (Persian): I have committed my capital to you. You know all about
profit and loss." (Mansabi Khilafat p.40)
Family Decline
Actually if one studies the life of Mirza everything becomes clear. Mirza was recieving these so-called revelations according to his hidden desires and thus he was behaving in an expectant manner. He had always been aware of his family decline and dwindling financial empire of his ancestors. In his autobiography he wrote:
"In the early period of Sikhs, my great grandfather, Mirza Gul Mohammed, was renowned and famous chief in this area. ... during the time of my grandfather ... great destruction descended on my ancestors .. then during the final days of the reign of Ranjit Singh, my late father, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, came back to Qadian, and he got 5 villages back from the properties of his father ... still being an old family, my father Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, was a famous chief in this area." (Kitab ul Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol. vol.13 p. 175-176)
"In short, the conditions of our lands declined day by day, until finally we reached a stage when my family became a low grade land lord." (Tohfa-e-Qaiseriya, Roohani Khazain vol.12 p.271)
"After that when British came, they confiscated our family lands, and fixed annual honorary pension of Rs 700 which was reduced to Rs 180 at the death of my grandfather and then at the death of my uncle it was stopped altogether." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part 1 narration no. 48, by Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)
Readers can now understand how much Mirza Ghulam was obssessed with the decline of his family's financial empire. Resulting sense of deprivation generated a lust for power and money which never Mirza till his death. So much so, that when he thought that God was addressing him, all he could think was his financial problems.
Mirza - the prodigal son
"Mother (wife of Mirza) told me (son of Mirza) that once during his youth Hazrat Maseeh Mowood (Mirza Qadiani) went to collect the pensin of your grandfather, then Mirza Imamdin went after him. When he (Mirza) recieved the pension, then he (Imamdin) enticed him (Mirza) and instead of Qadian took him away, and took him here and there. Then when he (Mirza) squandered all the money, he (Imamdin) left you and went away." (Seeratul Mahdi part 1 narration no. 49, by Mirza Basheer Ahmad son of Mirza Qadiani)
Mirza Imamdin was a cousin of Mirza Qadiani, and when this incident took place, Mirza was around 30+ years old. This pension (Rs 700/=) by today's standard amounted to humdreds of thousands of rupees. Where did Mirza and cousin spent this huge amount in a few days is anybody's guess. But this episode certainly sheds a light on the mentality of this man who was soon to claim being divinely ordained to serve Islam. Serve Islam? well he certainly served his pockets and on one pretext or other he started extracting money from ignorant masses.
Mirza tries to get some divine blessings:
During his early days, Mirza Saheb went to Amratsir, and met a saint, Molvi Abdullah Ghaznawi. Mirza requested: I was employed in the court of Sialkot on a meagre salary. Since it was difficult to survive on such meagre salary, I prepared in the law exam but failed. Molvi Saheb asked him: What is your intention now? Mirza Saheb said: Now I do not have any intention of working, I want to just survive on Tawakkul (trust in God, that God will fulfil his needs). I request you to pray for Rujoo'at and Futoohaat for me. (Rujoo'at is a term whereby a person wishes that people will get attracted towards him, and Futoohaat is the term which means that these people who will come to him, will bring material things for him.) Please make a prayer for me." (Messiah of 14th Century p.48)
Revelation regarding marriage and Worries about Finances:
"27th sign (of prophethood) is this prophecy about my marriage which took place in Delhi. God sent me this revelation: Praise be to God who honoured you through lineage as well as through matrimony, that is God made your lineage also noble and your wife will also come from noble family. This revelation was a prophecy, because of which this worry was generated in me that how will I arrange the expenses for this marriage." (Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.247)
SubHan Allah! God is giving glad tiding for a marriage, and all he is worried about is money!!
Appeal for Donation to publish Braheen Ahmadiyya:
The simplest and quickest solution that Mirza could think of to overcome his financial problems is to exploit and take advantage of peoples' ignorance, simplicity, superstitious nature and their attachment to religion. Hence from his early days he paved the way for this by propagating his fantastic ideas through publishing books - all in the name of Islam.
First thing he did was to advertise his intention of writing a 50-volume book to prove the truthfulness of Islam, and appealed for donations in the same breath. That was the time in Indian history when Muslims were passing through highly difficult times. British had usurped the power from Muslims who had been ruling Indian Subcontinent for 1000 years, christian missionaries and hindu organisations were actively engaged in proselytisation trying to discredit Islam, with the backing of British Raj. It was under these circumstances that Mirza announced his project of 50 books. People were yet ignorant about the real motives and heretical views of Mirza Qadiani. He wrote:
"To publish such a huge book is very difficult without the help of Muslim brothers. And the reward to help in such an important project is not hidden with even an ordinary Muslim. therefore it is requested from the faithful brothers that they should participate in this good work and help in its publication. If rich people give just one day expanditure of their kitchen, this books will be printed easily, otherwise this shining moon will remain hidden. Or else, all such person who can afford, with the intention of purchasing the book, send Rs 5 with their applications to me. As the book is published, it will be posted to them." (Majmoo-e-Ishtihaarat, Collection of Advertisement, vol.1 pp.11-12)
Muslims participated in this project whole heartedly, many sent advance payment for the book. But Mirza was dumbfounded when in the next 4 years (from 1880-1884) Mirza just kept writing, publishing and posting 4 volumes. He realised that now for the next 50 years all he would do is to write volumes after volumes of Braheen Ahmadiyya and distribute them free, without any hope of financial returns, since he had already accepted advanced payment. He stop writing Braheen Ahmadiyya after the 4th volume. Despite protest from the buyers, for the next quarter of a century he published and sold some 80 other books. 25 years later he published the 5th volume of Braheen Ahmadiyya. Impenitently he wrote in its preface:
"Initially I had thought of writing 50 volumes, but contented to writing from 50 to 5. And since the differnce between 50 and 5 is a mere dot (zero is written as dot in arabic/urdu numericals) therefore with 5 volumes that promise is fulfilled." (Preface to Braheen Ahmadiyya, Roohani Khazain vol.21 p.9)
So much for the honesty of this so-called claimant of prophethood.
50,000 revelations regarding money matters:
Read the life of Mirza Ghulam, read his books, and look at his whole movement, you will realise that it is revolving around money!!
"Remember that God has a habit with me that mostly when cash is about to come or some other things as gifts, He informs me ahead of time, either through inspiration or in dreams; and such signs would be a little more than 50,000." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.346)
Some other examples money oriented revelations:
"In my dream someone said: Currency notes. then I was given a book as if it contained currency notes and the revelation flowed from my tongue (Urdu): Observe my friends, the news has been published. (Al-Hakam, Vol. X, No 6, February 17, 1906, p. 1; Tadhkirah 2nd edition p.589)
"I saw a paper in a dream, the first few lines on which were written in Persian script and the rest was all in English. I understood as if someone had named me and said: (Urdu): He should be given 25 rupees. (Review of Religions, Vol.IV, No. 2, Feb. 1905)
"I saw in my dream that Qudratullah's wife presented to me a heap of rupees" (Al-Hakam, Vol. IX, No 36, Oct. 17, 1905, p. 10)
"I saw in my dream towards morning that someone gave me a paper bag full of rupees which I accepted and started tying up in a white handkerchief." (Diary of the Promised Messiah, p. 23)
"Once I got an inspiration that 21 rupees is about to come. Therefore this inspiration was also mentioned to the Aryas (hindus living in Qadian) .... moreover to make Aryas witness, sweets worth Rs 1 was distributed among them ... if not otherwise, they would remember this sign after eating the sweets." (Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.318)
Readers will note that how all these inspirations were concerned about money being given to Mirza and not vice versa!! Moreover he was very particular to make witnesses about his dreams and inspirations. Alas! still they were not convinced of his divinely-ordained station.
Modus Operandi for Extracting Money:
Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani developed various strategies to extract money from people. Readers have already above the account of his opportunistic approach to publish Braheen Ahmadiyya and collected huge donations. Let us examine some more examples of such efforts.
"Nation should serve this Jamaat in every possible manner. There should be no shortcoming in serving financially as well. See, no movement prosper in this world without donations ... thus it is important that members of our Jamaat should also keep this in mind. If these people give even one paisa yearly regularly, then a lot can be done. Yes if one does not even give one paisa, then what is the need for him to stay in the Jamaat?" (Mirza's statement in Akhbar AlBadr Qadian dated 9th July 1903)
This statement proves clearly that the decisive factor in becoming and staying member of Ahmadiyya also is... money:
"This advertisement is not an ordinary statement, rather I make a last call on those people who are called my mureeds that my link is only with those people who are busy in aiding and helping, but there are many who just want to decieve God. Now according to this new system, everyone should renew his pledge and give a written statement that as an obligation how much monthly donation he can send... upto 3 months after the publication of this advertisement, we will wait for a response from every one who has taken baith that how much he accepts to donate to this system on monthly basis and if no reply is recieved in three months then his name will be cut off from the baith.... and if someone after accepting to give donation, did not send the donation for three months then his name would also be cut off." (Collection of Advertisement vol.3 p.468-469)
Condition for Supplication - Generous Contribution!
"Once in January 1908 a rich person from district Kanpur, Wali Mohammed by name, who had been an Ahmadi for a long time and used to write to Maseeh Mowood for the health of his son. He wrote to Huzoor that I had been asking for supplication for my son for a long time, but till now prayers have not been answered in favour of my son, although God has promised you that your every supplication will be answered..... Hazrat Maseeh Mowood ... said that write to him that this is not the habit of God to accept all supplications... no one has power in front of God. If that rich person is so desperate then he should make a very generous contribution in favour of my silsila (movement) which is in his maximum capacity, then he should inform me and keep reminding me." (Mufti Mohammed Sadiq Qadiani, 20th Oct 1937, mentioned in AlFazl Qadian dated 22 Oct 1922)
"Nawab Saheb, the ruler of Maleer Kotla became sick, and his illness prolonged. Qadiani agents living in that area told the mother of Nawab Saheb that if Mirza Saheb makes supplications, he will immediately recover. Letter was sent to Qadiani Saheb, who promised to make supplications and wrote them to send Rs. 500. Thus he recieved Rs 500 from the mother of Nawab Saheb, and continued to pray, but none of them were granted. Nawab Saheb did not recover and ultimately died." (Isha'at us Sunnah vol 18 p.146; mentioned in Raees-e-Qadian p.427 by Rafiq Dilawari)
Purpose of giving alms? To Propagate the name of Mirza!
Alms, charity are given to seek pleasure of Allah. At least this is what is Islamic teaching. But what purpose does Mirza have in mind when he gives away money?
"During the time of Hazrat Maseeh Mowood one Arab beggar came here. He (Mirza) gave him a good amount of money. Someone objected so he (Mirza) said: Whereever he goes he will mention me, even if he mentions my name for recieving something, but he will convey my name to far flung places." (Akhbar AlFazl, Qadian, vol.22, No. 103, p.9 dated 26th February 1935)
Teechee Teechee...:
He gets helps from an 'angel' called Teechee Teechee...:
"5th March 1905 I saw a dream that a man who seemed to be an angel, came in front of me and put in my lap lot of money; I asked him his name, he said he doesn't have a name. I asked him that afterall you have some nam; he said: My name is Teechee, Teechee in punjabi language is the name for appointed time, i.e I come exactly at the needed time. Then I woke up. Ever since from God, either through post or directly through the hands of people, so much monetary gains have taken place that no one can imagine and thousands of ruppees came." (Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain, vol.22 p.345-346)
Donated money and its expanditure:
All this money which was being extracted on various pretexts, where was it being spent?
"Now we should see whether Promised Mahdi used to give money to his family and relatives from the same collection of donations or from some other source. Everyone knows this thing that Huzoor (Mirza) used to give from the same collection. Thus after his (death) it is obligatory on Anjuman (-e-Ahmadiyya, Qadian) that it should give them in the same manner from these donations as Hazrat Maseeh Mowood used to do,since Anjuman cannot be more honest than Maseeh Mowood." (Izhaar-e-Haqeeqat p.13 dated 28th November 1913, published by Anjuman Ansarullah Qadian)
Mirza accused of Income Tax fraud and misappropriation of disciples' funds:
"This year Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's annual income was fixed at Rs 7200 and and a tax of Rs 187.50 was levied.... Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had dictated in his sworn statement he gets the income from his estate, land and garden; the income from his estate is Rs 82 annas 10, from his land an estimated annual income is Rs 300 and from the garden an estimated annual income is Rs 200/300, or 400 or maximum Rs 500. Apart from that he does not get any other income. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had also stated that he has recieved and estimated Rs 5200 this year from his disciples ..... and this is not spent on his person. There is no record of income and expenditure, he has just recorded this estimate from his memory. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has also stated that his personal income from his estate, land and garden is enough for his personal needs, and he has no need to spend the money of his disciples on his personal expenditure." (Statement of Munshi Tajuddin Saheb, Sub-divisional income tax collector, Batala, District Gurdaspur dated 31 August 1898, recorded in the income tax case no. 46/55 of 1898; mentioned in Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.516)
Mirza gave a sworn statement to the Income Tax collector that he does not spend the money collected from his disciples for his personal needs.
Now read this again:
"Now we should see whether Promised Mahdi used to give money to his family and relatives from the same collection of donations or from some other source. Everyone knows this thing that Huzoor (Mirza) used to give from the same collection. Thus after his (death) it is obligatory on Anjuman (-e-Ahmadiyya, Qadian) that it should give them in the same manner from these donations as Hazrat Maseeh Mowood used to do,since Anjuman cannot be more honest than Maseeh Mowood." (Izhaar-e-Haqeeqat p.13 dated 28th November 1913, published by Anjuman Ansarullah Qadian)
Donations from Disciples and Mirza's Domestic life:
"Initially we used to tell our ladies that they should adopt the lives of Prophets and companions, they eat less and dry things, and dress rough clothes, and the rest they used to save and spend in the way of Allah. Similarly we should also practice. Hence by these sermons we used to save some money and send to Qadian. But when our wives went to Qadian (for Jalsa Salana) and stayed there, observed everything closely, then upon return they attacked us that we are big liars, that they had themselves witnessed the lives of Prophet (Mirza) and companions after visiting Qadian. The kind of comforts and luxury that the ladies enjoy there, even 0.1 % is not available outside, despite the fact that we earn our own money and whatever money goes there, it is sent there for benefit of nation, it is nations mony. Therefore you are liars, who had been decieving us for such a long time with lies, now we will never be decieved by you. Thus now they do not give us money to send to Qadian..." (Kashf-ul-Ikhtilaf p. 13 by Sarwar Shah Qadiani)
"A person from Ludhiana once mentioned in the mosque in front of Molvi Mohammed Ali, Khwaja Kamaluddin, Sheikh Rehmat Ali, that Jamaat takes loan, and people save from the mouth of their children to send donations to Jamaat, but here jewellery and clothes are purchased for Biwi Saheba (wife of Mirza Qadiani), what else happens here?" (Sermon of Mirza Mahmud, 2nd Khalifa, AlFazl Qadian dated 31st August 1938)
"The biggest objection that he (Dr. Abdul Hakeem) raised against Promised Messiah, was related to financial matters, that he (Mirza) takes money from people and then spend it in whatever manner he wants .... he (Mirza) collect donations in the name of publishing books, and in whatever manner collects money from people by decieving them, and then spend it right and left, in whatever manner he (Mirza) wants, no accounts are maintained." (AlFazl Qadian dated 20th January 1921)
Irregularities in Accounts:
"Molvi (Mohammed Hussein Batalvi) Saheb said that you go to Qadian, give my message to Mirza Saheb, that he should give and account of his income to me... public funds are being spent uselessly, where these funds are spent.... I reached Qadian, and conveyed the message of Molvi Saheb. Hazrat Maseeh Mowood told me that I have replied to Molvi Saheb that money comes to me for the sake of God and we spend it for God's sake, we have not kept any accounts..." (Qadiani narration mentioned in AlFazl Qadian No.201 vol23 dated 28th August 1946)
Disciples' Opinion about Mirza:
If one thinks that Mirza Ghulam's disciples were quite happy with the financial irregularities of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani, then they should read the following:
"Hazrat Maseeh Mowood ... expressed great sorrow in the house that despite my saying that it is God's wish that in my lifetime the administration of public kitchen should be in my hands, and if it happens against it then publich kitchen would be closed, but these Khawaja (Kamaluddin) etc are such that they repeatedly ask me to hand over the kitchen administration to them and they distrust me." (Kashf-ul-Ikhtilaaf p.14 by Sarwar Shah Qadiani)
Regarding irregularities in financial matters, mismanagement of public kitchen, and extravagant Mirza Saheb's household expenditure, on one occasion Khawaja Kamaluddin angrily told Molvi Mohammed Ali:
"How unfair it is that you know that the money for nation is collected with such great difficulty and the national reasons for which they give donations depriving themselves from their own needs, that money is not spent on those projects, instead it is spent on personal desires (of Mirza & family) and that amount is also so much that whatever national projects we have started and cannot be finished because of lack of funds and lying pending, if this public kitchen is administered properly, then the only with that saved amount those projects can be completed." ((Kashf-ul-Ikhtilaaf p.15 by Sarwar Shah Qadiani)
"On one occasion when a deputation had gone for collecting donation for the building of a school, Khawaja Saheb told Molvi Mohammed Ali that Hazrat Saheb (Mirza Qadiani) himself spends a comfortable life but preaches us that we should reduce our expenditure. In reply Molvi Saheb said that yes this cannot be denied but it is just human." (Letter of Mian Mahmud to Hakeem Nuruddin, Haqeeqat-e-Ikhtilaaf p. 53 by Molvi Mohammed Ali)
Mirza gets angry on his mureeds:
"He who gives me and then reproach me for being spendthrift, he attacks me, such an attack cannot be tolerated... I do not even consider such people like dead insects whose hearts contain mistrusts ... I am not a trader that I will keep a balance sheet. I am also not a treasurer that I will give audit to someone." (Statement of Mirza Qadiani in AlHakm Newspaper dated 31st March 1905; Malfoozaat vol.7 p.325)
"He (Mirza Saheb) said that today Khawaja Saheb brought a letter of Molvi Mohammed Ali and said that Molvi Saheb has written that the expenditure of public kitchen is little, rest of the thousands of rupees that are collected, where does it go? And then he (Mirza) came into the house and expressed great anger that 'do these people consider us HARAM KHOR (embezzler)? What link do they have with money? If today I leave all this income will stop.' " (Letter of Mian Mahmud to Molvi Nuruddin, Haqeeqat-e-Ikhtilaaf p. 52 by Molvi Mohammed Ali)
Development in Qadian and Incentives for mureeds:
Mirza even made an attempt to lure people into investing into Qadian, in other wards giving money to Mirza Saheb.
"We saw a dream that Qadian has become a hugh city and the market has extended beyond the horizon. High 2 story and 4 story buildings or there are shops with even higher platforms made of beautiful buildings, and fat rich persons with hugh bellies, who brighten the markets, are sitting and in front of them are piles of jewels, diamonds, pearls, money and gold coins." (Mirza's statements in AlHakm Newspaper Qadian dated 3rd April 1902)
Heavenly Graveyard: Another Money making venture:
"Then God sent me revelation and pointed towards a piece of land and said that this is that land, below which is paradise. Thus whoever is buried in it, he will enter paradise and he is among those who are in peace." (Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.675)
Conditions for entering Heavenly Graveyard:
In 1906, Mirza Ghulam writes his "Will" and stipulates the conditions for burial in the Heavenly Graveyard. He numbers the conditions. Let us have a look at the order in which he writes them:
1.First condition:
".... So the first condition is that whosoever desires to find burial in it, according to his means he shall contribute towards the fund for meeting these expenses."
2.Second condition:
"The second condition is that out of all the Ahamdiyya Community only he shall be eligible for burial in it who leaves a will and testament in his life that following his death one tenth of all property left by him shall go into this fund... "
3.Third condition:
"The third condition is that he who aspires to burial in this Cemetery shall be one who went through life with care, who kept away from what is forbidden, did not commit Shirk, ....." ... (several more conditions) (source: The Will, p 40-44, Roohani Khazain vol.20 p.316-327)
Readers will note that piety comes only third requirement to be buried in this heavenly graveyard, first two being related to money matters. Those who can afford to pay, go into paradise. Very convenient indeed!! Not only that, one has to leave a substantial amount to the Jamaat in his will to find a place. Moreover, Mirza stressed that:
"Hazrat Maseeh Mowood said ... he who does not make a will (leaving an amount for jamaat), he is a hypocrite." (Minhaj-ut-Talibeen, Collection of Speeches by Mian Mahmud, 2nd Khalifa, p.16)
A person can be a crook and yet buy a place in this so-called heavenly graveyard, and yet a pious albeit poor Ahmadi will be unable to find a place in this paradise!!!
All these quotations prove that the most important thing in the life of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani was money. It was money that led him to exploit people's religious weaknesses, and it was money and other worldly considerations that made him henchman of British Masters.
To satisfy his petty carnal desires, he did not even hesitate to trade his faith, and the faith of hundreds of thousands ignorant persons who chose to follow him. He:
Introduced heretical doctrines into the body of Islamic doctrines to justify his un-Islamic claims.
Divided Muslims, by carving a separate ummah out of Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya.
Preached slavery to kuffar and made those who chose to follow him, slaves and subservient to the Kuffar.
Mirza Qadiani and British Government:
Mirza Ghulam takes pride in the heaps of leaflets and articles he produced about the abrogation of the Jihad. His motivation for such writings?
"The respectable officials of Government has always provided testimony in their expression of this firm opinion in their letters that this family is since long hard well-wisher and subservient. Government should take great care regarding this SELF-IMPLANTED SEEDLING . . . . .should instruct its officers to treat ME and MY JAMA'AT with special kindness and favours. Our family has never hesitated in shedding their blood in the way of British Rulers and did not stop from laying down their lives neither do they hesitate now." (Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.350)
"I am personally engaged in such a service to the British Government, which is actually such a well wishing of this great government that is a greater service than my ancestors and that service is this that I have compiled scores of books in Arabic, Persian and Urdu with this reason that ... to obey this government wholeheartedly is obligatory on every Muslim." (Advertisement of Mirza Qadiani, Collection of Advertisement vol.2 p.366)
"Thus I have spent hugh amounts to publish these books and distribute them in the Muslim lands. I know that these books had a lot of effect in this country as well. And those who are linked to me in the bond of discipleship, that is making such a Jamaat whose hearts are filled with true benevolence of the Governemnt, their conduct is great and I feel that they are a blessing for this country and whole heartedly sacrificer of their lives for government." (Advertisement of Mirza Qadiani, Collection of Advertisement vol.2 p.367)
"On page 241 of Braheen Ahmadiyya, there is a prophecy regarding British Government. And that is this: 'God is not such that He will make this Government suffer and you are living in their rule. Whereever is your face, God's face is there'. Since God knows that my heart is happy in the shadow of its patronage and its peaceful government and I remain busy in praying for it, because I cannot do my job properly in either Makkah nor in Madina, nor in Rome (Istanbul), nor in Syria, nor in Iran, nor in Kabul." (Collection of Advertisement vol.2 p.370)
"Hazrat Maseeh Mowood says British Government is my sword. Then why should we Ahmadis not be happy on this victory over Baghdad (Iraq). Iraq, whether it is Arab or Syria, we want to see the shine of our sword every where." (Statement of Mirza Mahmud in AlFazl Qadian dated 7th Sept 1918)
"This is as evident as the daylight that in reality the British Government is a shield under whose protection, Jamaat Ahmadiyya is moving forward. Remove this shield just a little and then see how a dangerous shower of poisonous arrows rain on your head. Thus why shouldn't we be grateful to this government? Our interests are unified with this government and destruction of this government is our destruction and its progress is our progress. Whereever this rule of this governemnt spreads, a new area for preachings opens for us. Thus no objection of any opponent can turn us against the loyalty of this government, as even the most stupid person will not be enemy of his own life." (AlFazl Qadian, vol.3 no.51, dated 19th October 1915)
"I thank Him (God) that He gave me a place in the shadow of such a government, under whose protection I can freely continue my work of preaching and advice. Although it is obligatory on everyone to thank this benevolent government but I tihnk it is most compulsory on me, because my these grand objectives which are being achieved under the protection of the Government of Queen Victoria, it was never to accomplish them under any other government, even if it had been an Islamic Government." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p.283)
SubHanAllah!! This is a moment to ponder. What were those objectives that were impossible for Mirza Ghulam to accomplish without the protection of British Government, and which could not have been done in an Islamic Government.
"First of all I pray that AlMighty God may give too much 'BARKAT' in the life of our Highness Queen of Hind (Queen Victoria) and increase her Honour and her Rank and Grandeur and may she remain happy with the well
being of her relatives and sons ... this humble self .. has such high degree of sincerity and love and passionate submission to Huzoor Malika-e-Aalia (Her Highness the Queen) and with her respected Officers that I do not find words to express my sincerity. Due to this true love and sincerity, I wrote a pamphlet on the occasion of Jubilee celebrations of (the coronation) and named it 'Tohfa-e-Qaiseriyah' and sent it to Janab Mamdoohah (the praised one) as a present of Derwesh....I lift my both hands in prayers along with all my close ones that O God! Please keep the rule of this Mubaraka Queen of Hind always over our heads for a long time, may her Kingdom always remain. O Qaiserah-e-Mubarakah! May God protect you and with your long life and honour and successes, may our hearts be pleased.... it is a fact that dil se dil ko raaah hoti hai (loving hearts recognize each other!), I
don't need to use bombastic language to express that I love you and in my hearts especially there is your love and respect. Our day and night prayers are continuously flowing for you like a stream....though I know that the passion that i had in my heart that I should express my sincerity and submission and gratitude in front of Huzoor Qaiserah-e-Hind, May her Kingdom always remain, but I could not express my enthusiasm wholeheartedly." (Sitara-e-Qaiseriyah, Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.111)
"I have filled shelves with books which I wrote in praise of the British, especially about the abrogation of Jihad in which many Muslims believe. This is a big service to the Government. So I hope for an appropriate and good reward." (Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol.7, p.19)
PS: This is a proof that Mirza made these un-Islamic heretical doctrine in return for a reward from the British Government.
Now the picture is absolutely clear. The task that Mirza was engaged in was to extinguish the spirit of Jehad and make them subservient of kuffar. He used to pray to his God for the continuation of the rule of kafir government because it was his shield. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was the first so-called prophet in the history of Prophets, who preached slavery to his disciples. Leave aside of Prophets of Allah, no leader of any nation has ever preferred slavery over freedom for their nation. But Alas! for the petty rewards of this world Mirza traded his faith and the faith of millions who followed him. This was the reason that when he took pledge of allegiance, one of the condition was loyalty to British:
Conditions of Initiation: "I have presented proofs of my 17 years of speeches ... which clearly proves that I am a well wisher of British with my heart and soul...and as I have earlier instructed in the 4th condition of Initiation to truly wish well for the English Government and sympathise truly with the humanity....." (Kitab-ul-Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol 13 p.10)
These facts may be amazing for present generation Ahmadi/Qadiani/Lahori followers, since many of them have not read the books of Mirza Ghulam and their knowledge about their doctrines is largely restricted to the propaganda literature distributed by Jamaat. The biggest proof is the Baith form. Original Baith form is no longer in existence. Present day baith form no longer contains the 4th condition mentioned above. Where is it? Who has removed it and why? Who is trynig to decieve whom? Qadianis should put these questions to their murrabbis.
Extract of Mirza's life:
In 1907, towards the end of his life, Mirza looks back at all his years in the service of his religion and at what he has achieved:
"No one knew me. Nor were my means of livelihood such that I could live in comfort and ease. All that I owned was a little inheritance from my father. Then Allah placed the world at my disposal, while I did not expect to obtain ten rupees per month. God, however, changed my condition and held my hand. Now, I have more than three hundred thousand rupees." (note of compiler: today's equivalent of millions of dollars) (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 22, p. 220-221, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, p. 211-212, 1907)
"It has become obligatory on us and on our progeny to remain eternally grateful to this blessed British Government." (Izala-e-Auham, footnote)
"My advice to my Jamaat is this they should include the Kingdom of English in their 'Olil Amr' (charged with authority) and remain wholeheartedly subserviant to them." (Zuroorat-ul-Imam p. 23)
Quite a way of summarizing a life's work: Money...
Importance of Money in Modern day Jamaat Ahmadiyya:
Mirza's successors uphold the tradition of the Importance of Money:
".....The marriage of Ameerul Momineen, Khalifa tul Maseeh alRabia's (compiler: Mirza Tahir) youngest daughter, Atiya-tul-Mujeeb (Tooba), may Allah protect her, took place in the most happy and blessed gathering tonight at 7.00 pm in the compound of Masjid AlFazl... nearly 600 guests attended....before that after the Juma and Asr prayers Huzoor announced the nikah (marriage contract) which took place with Mukarram Malik Sultan Mohammed Khan Saheb son of Mukarram Malik Sultan Haroon Khan Saheb in return for the Mehr (dowry to be paid to girl) of 1 million Rupees." (AlFazl International 19th November 1999 to 25th November 1999)
Today, the fixation on money is continued in the obligation for members of Ahmadiyya to contribute one tenth to one third of their
monthly income to the Ahmadiyya Movement. On top of that, there are all kinds of special collections for special purposes. Professor Munawwer writes in his article:
There are abundance of donations in Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Every Ahmadi is bound to pay 6% of his earnings as CHANDA AAM. It is a compulsory payment, non-payment is shown as a balance to be paid later in his account. If an Ahmadi refuses to pay CHANDA, he ceases to be an Ahmadi, although CHANDA is an optional thing whose amount is not fixed, a person can give as much as he can afford, whereas TAX is fixed and payment compulsory, non-payment will be shown as a balance in payment and it will never finish.
Apart from CHANDA AAM, there is:
CHANDA SAD SALA JUBILEE (this has now been finished)
CHANDA KHUDDAMUL AHMADIYYA (CHANDA MAJLIS) which is applicable to young people.
CHANDA TAMEER HALL (this hall was constructed in 1973 but the chanda collection still goes on)
CHANDA DISH ANTENNA (Ahmadiyya TV Network)
CHANDA LAJNA AMA'ALLAH (applicable on females)
CHANDA ATFAAL (applicable on children)
CHANDA ANSAAR (applicable to people over 40)
In short, an Ahmadi has to give at least 10% of his earnings every month. There is a voluntary system of collecting the CHANDAS in which the collector does not get any commission. It is unlikely that anywhere this kind of system will be found. Two three times a year different inspectors of different CHANDAS come from the center to audit the accounts and make sure that the amount received is sent to the center (Chanabnagar - Rabwah). Because of this monetary system, Jamaat is accused of being an organized Jamaat, even though there is no system, no laws or regulations and no principles. There is only a system of collecting donations. Had there not been such an organized collection of CHANDAS, today the PRINCES of MIRZA SAHEB's family would not have several murabba lands (approx 1 murabba = 25 acres) nor would they have been spending luxurious and ostentatious lives. These are all the BARAKAAT of this monetary system.
In contrast to such pious souls, there have always been imposters who decieved mankind in the name of religion, only to accumulate wealth, only to fill their coffers. They not only traded their faith for the petty comforts of this life, but worse than that, they were responsible for destroying the faith of many who were unfortunate enough to get trapped in the fraud their religious deception.
In this new AlFatwa, we will reveal those aspects of the life of one such imposter, namely, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, founder of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, which concerns his lust for money and show to which extent he had sold himself out to achive his goal. We hope and pray that his followers would see how they have been taken for a ride. May Allah give them the wisdom to distinguish truth from falsehood and then follow the right path. Ameen.
Dear readers!
As Muslims we firmly believe that the revelation (wahi) came to an end on our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW. However suppose that this revelation were to continue (as all the imposters and false claimants to prophethood boast) and that one night, all of a sudden, you hear Allah talking to you. Can you imagine what that must feel like? The overwhelming presence of Allah talking to somebody as meaninglessly small as a simple man... What a profound impact that must have!! When Allah addressed Hazrat Musa (Moses) (alaihe assalam) on the Mount Sinai, Moses wanted to see Him. When Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW ascended to heavens to meet Allah, Prophet SAAW asked for the salvation of his followers.
But when an imposter claims that Allah has addressed him, what are his worries? Naturally, his worries would be related to his fraudulent claims. Proof? Read his writings, and you will discover the truth yourself.
First address (so-called):
"When I received the revelation foretelling the death of my father, human weakness made me think that since some of the sources of the income of our family would cease with my father's death, we might be put in trouble" (Mirza Ghulam quoted in "The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement", by Muhammad Ali, p. 7; also see Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.194)
Dear Readers!
This is suppose to be the first address of God to Mirza, and what is he worried about? Money! God is informing him of the impending death of his father, and what is worrying Mirza? Shortage of money!!
Worries after the appointment:
According to Mirza Ghulam, at that time he did not yet know what his job here on earth was to be. It is some time later, that Allah allegedly makes Mirza - God Forbid - the second advent of Jesus (as). How does Mirza Ghulam experience this major turn in his life?
"It was necessary that according to the promise someone in the ummah was named Mary and then she would have promoted so that Jesus is born from her and he would be known as Ibne Maryam (son of Mary); that is me. Revelation 'huzzee ilaike' was sent to Mary and as well as me but the only difference being that Mary was then suffering from physical exhaustion and I was suffering from lack of financial means" (Nazool-ul-Masih p. 163)
Once again, Mirza behaves according to his hidden desires! God is appointing Mirza Ghulam as Jesus (as) son of Mary, and what does Mirza think of? Money!! Subhan Allah!! What a contrast between a true Prophet and a false claimant.
Reasons for Divine Ordination:
Why did God choose Mirza for this task? Mirza's revelation also shed lights on this in following revelations:
"The Promised Messiah received the revelation (Arabic): Make this commerce profitable for me." (Register of Rivayat Sahaba, Vol. XI, p. 106, and Vol. XIV, p. 14)
"The Promised Messiah received the revelation (Persian): I have committed my capital to you. You know all about
profit and loss." (Mansabi Khilafat p.40)
Family Decline
Actually if one studies the life of Mirza everything becomes clear. Mirza was recieving these so-called revelations according to his hidden desires and thus he was behaving in an expectant manner. He had always been aware of his family decline and dwindling financial empire of his ancestors. In his autobiography he wrote:
"In the early period of Sikhs, my great grandfather, Mirza Gul Mohammed, was renowned and famous chief in this area. ... during the time of my grandfather ... great destruction descended on my ancestors .. then during the final days of the reign of Ranjit Singh, my late father, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, came back to Qadian, and he got 5 villages back from the properties of his father ... still being an old family, my father Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, was a famous chief in this area." (Kitab ul Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol. vol.13 p. 175-176)
"In short, the conditions of our lands declined day by day, until finally we reached a stage when my family became a low grade land lord." (Tohfa-e-Qaiseriya, Roohani Khazain vol.12 p.271)
"After that when British came, they confiscated our family lands, and fixed annual honorary pension of Rs 700 which was reduced to Rs 180 at the death of my grandfather and then at the death of my uncle it was stopped altogether." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part 1 narration no. 48, by Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)
Readers can now understand how much Mirza Ghulam was obssessed with the decline of his family's financial empire. Resulting sense of deprivation generated a lust for power and money which never Mirza till his death. So much so, that when he thought that God was addressing him, all he could think was his financial problems.
Mirza - the prodigal son
"Mother (wife of Mirza) told me (son of Mirza) that once during his youth Hazrat Maseeh Mowood (Mirza Qadiani) went to collect the pensin of your grandfather, then Mirza Imamdin went after him. When he (Mirza) recieved the pension, then he (Imamdin) enticed him (Mirza) and instead of Qadian took him away, and took him here and there. Then when he (Mirza) squandered all the money, he (Imamdin) left you and went away." (Seeratul Mahdi part 1 narration no. 49, by Mirza Basheer Ahmad son of Mirza Qadiani)
Mirza Imamdin was a cousin of Mirza Qadiani, and when this incident took place, Mirza was around 30+ years old. This pension (Rs 700/=) by today's standard amounted to humdreds of thousands of rupees. Where did Mirza and cousin spent this huge amount in a few days is anybody's guess. But this episode certainly sheds a light on the mentality of this man who was soon to claim being divinely ordained to serve Islam. Serve Islam? well he certainly served his pockets and on one pretext or other he started extracting money from ignorant masses.
Mirza tries to get some divine blessings:
During his early days, Mirza Saheb went to Amratsir, and met a saint, Molvi Abdullah Ghaznawi. Mirza requested: I was employed in the court of Sialkot on a meagre salary. Since it was difficult to survive on such meagre salary, I prepared in the law exam but failed. Molvi Saheb asked him: What is your intention now? Mirza Saheb said: Now I do not have any intention of working, I want to just survive on Tawakkul (trust in God, that God will fulfil his needs). I request you to pray for Rujoo'at and Futoohaat for me. (Rujoo'at is a term whereby a person wishes that people will get attracted towards him, and Futoohaat is the term which means that these people who will come to him, will bring material things for him.) Please make a prayer for me." (Messiah of 14th Century p.48)
Revelation regarding marriage and Worries about Finances:
"27th sign (of prophethood) is this prophecy about my marriage which took place in Delhi. God sent me this revelation: Praise be to God who honoured you through lineage as well as through matrimony, that is God made your lineage also noble and your wife will also come from noble family. This revelation was a prophecy, because of which this worry was generated in me that how will I arrange the expenses for this marriage." (Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.247)
SubHan Allah! God is giving glad tiding for a marriage, and all he is worried about is money!!
Appeal for Donation to publish Braheen Ahmadiyya:
The simplest and quickest solution that Mirza could think of to overcome his financial problems is to exploit and take advantage of peoples' ignorance, simplicity, superstitious nature and their attachment to religion. Hence from his early days he paved the way for this by propagating his fantastic ideas through publishing books - all in the name of Islam.
First thing he did was to advertise his intention of writing a 50-volume book to prove the truthfulness of Islam, and appealed for donations in the same breath. That was the time in Indian history when Muslims were passing through highly difficult times. British had usurped the power from Muslims who had been ruling Indian Subcontinent for 1000 years, christian missionaries and hindu organisations were actively engaged in proselytisation trying to discredit Islam, with the backing of British Raj. It was under these circumstances that Mirza announced his project of 50 books. People were yet ignorant about the real motives and heretical views of Mirza Qadiani. He wrote:
"To publish such a huge book is very difficult without the help of Muslim brothers. And the reward to help in such an important project is not hidden with even an ordinary Muslim. therefore it is requested from the faithful brothers that they should participate in this good work and help in its publication. If rich people give just one day expanditure of their kitchen, this books will be printed easily, otherwise this shining moon will remain hidden. Or else, all such person who can afford, with the intention of purchasing the book, send Rs 5 with their applications to me. As the book is published, it will be posted to them." (Majmoo-e-Ishtihaarat, Collection of Advertisement, vol.1 pp.11-12)
Muslims participated in this project whole heartedly, many sent advance payment for the book. But Mirza was dumbfounded when in the next 4 years (from 1880-1884) Mirza just kept writing, publishing and posting 4 volumes. He realised that now for the next 50 years all he would do is to write volumes after volumes of Braheen Ahmadiyya and distribute them free, without any hope of financial returns, since he had already accepted advanced payment. He stop writing Braheen Ahmadiyya after the 4th volume. Despite protest from the buyers, for the next quarter of a century he published and sold some 80 other books. 25 years later he published the 5th volume of Braheen Ahmadiyya. Impenitently he wrote in its preface:
"Initially I had thought of writing 50 volumes, but contented to writing from 50 to 5. And since the differnce between 50 and 5 is a mere dot (zero is written as dot in arabic/urdu numericals) therefore with 5 volumes that promise is fulfilled." (Preface to Braheen Ahmadiyya, Roohani Khazain vol.21 p.9)
So much for the honesty of this so-called claimant of prophethood.
50,000 revelations regarding money matters:
Read the life of Mirza Ghulam, read his books, and look at his whole movement, you will realise that it is revolving around money!!
"Remember that God has a habit with me that mostly when cash is about to come or some other things as gifts, He informs me ahead of time, either through inspiration or in dreams; and such signs would be a little more than 50,000." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.346)
Some other examples money oriented revelations:
"In my dream someone said: Currency notes. then I was given a book as if it contained currency notes and the revelation flowed from my tongue (Urdu): Observe my friends, the news has been published. (Al-Hakam, Vol. X, No 6, February 17, 1906, p. 1; Tadhkirah 2nd edition p.589)
"I saw a paper in a dream, the first few lines on which were written in Persian script and the rest was all in English. I understood as if someone had named me and said: (Urdu): He should be given 25 rupees. (Review of Religions, Vol.IV, No. 2, Feb. 1905)
"I saw in my dream that Qudratullah's wife presented to me a heap of rupees" (Al-Hakam, Vol. IX, No 36, Oct. 17, 1905, p. 10)
"I saw in my dream towards morning that someone gave me a paper bag full of rupees which I accepted and started tying up in a white handkerchief." (Diary of the Promised Messiah, p. 23)
"Once I got an inspiration that 21 rupees is about to come. Therefore this inspiration was also mentioned to the Aryas (hindus living in Qadian) .... moreover to make Aryas witness, sweets worth Rs 1 was distributed among them ... if not otherwise, they would remember this sign after eating the sweets." (Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.318)
Readers will note that how all these inspirations were concerned about money being given to Mirza and not vice versa!! Moreover he was very particular to make witnesses about his dreams and inspirations. Alas! still they were not convinced of his divinely-ordained station.
Modus Operandi for Extracting Money:
Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani developed various strategies to extract money from people. Readers have already above the account of his opportunistic approach to publish Braheen Ahmadiyya and collected huge donations. Let us examine some more examples of such efforts.
"Nation should serve this Jamaat in every possible manner. There should be no shortcoming in serving financially as well. See, no movement prosper in this world without donations ... thus it is important that members of our Jamaat should also keep this in mind. If these people give even one paisa yearly regularly, then a lot can be done. Yes if one does not even give one paisa, then what is the need for him to stay in the Jamaat?" (Mirza's statement in Akhbar AlBadr Qadian dated 9th July 1903)
This statement proves clearly that the decisive factor in becoming and staying member of Ahmadiyya also is... money:
"This advertisement is not an ordinary statement, rather I make a last call on those people who are called my mureeds that my link is only with those people who are busy in aiding and helping, but there are many who just want to decieve God. Now according to this new system, everyone should renew his pledge and give a written statement that as an obligation how much monthly donation he can send... upto 3 months after the publication of this advertisement, we will wait for a response from every one who has taken baith that how much he accepts to donate to this system on monthly basis and if no reply is recieved in three months then his name will be cut off from the baith.... and if someone after accepting to give donation, did not send the donation for three months then his name would also be cut off." (Collection of Advertisement vol.3 p.468-469)
Condition for Supplication - Generous Contribution!
"Once in January 1908 a rich person from district Kanpur, Wali Mohammed by name, who had been an Ahmadi for a long time and used to write to Maseeh Mowood for the health of his son. He wrote to Huzoor that I had been asking for supplication for my son for a long time, but till now prayers have not been answered in favour of my son, although God has promised you that your every supplication will be answered..... Hazrat Maseeh Mowood ... said that write to him that this is not the habit of God to accept all supplications... no one has power in front of God. If that rich person is so desperate then he should make a very generous contribution in favour of my silsila (movement) which is in his maximum capacity, then he should inform me and keep reminding me." (Mufti Mohammed Sadiq Qadiani, 20th Oct 1937, mentioned in AlFazl Qadian dated 22 Oct 1922)
"Nawab Saheb, the ruler of Maleer Kotla became sick, and his illness prolonged. Qadiani agents living in that area told the mother of Nawab Saheb that if Mirza Saheb makes supplications, he will immediately recover. Letter was sent to Qadiani Saheb, who promised to make supplications and wrote them to send Rs. 500. Thus he recieved Rs 500 from the mother of Nawab Saheb, and continued to pray, but none of them were granted. Nawab Saheb did not recover and ultimately died." (Isha'at us Sunnah vol 18 p.146; mentioned in Raees-e-Qadian p.427 by Rafiq Dilawari)
Purpose of giving alms? To Propagate the name of Mirza!
Alms, charity are given to seek pleasure of Allah. At least this is what is Islamic teaching. But what purpose does Mirza have in mind when he gives away money?
"During the time of Hazrat Maseeh Mowood one Arab beggar came here. He (Mirza) gave him a good amount of money. Someone objected so he (Mirza) said: Whereever he goes he will mention me, even if he mentions my name for recieving something, but he will convey my name to far flung places." (Akhbar AlFazl, Qadian, vol.22, No. 103, p.9 dated 26th February 1935)
Teechee Teechee...:
He gets helps from an 'angel' called Teechee Teechee...:
"5th March 1905 I saw a dream that a man who seemed to be an angel, came in front of me and put in my lap lot of money; I asked him his name, he said he doesn't have a name. I asked him that afterall you have some nam; he said: My name is Teechee, Teechee in punjabi language is the name for appointed time, i.e I come exactly at the needed time. Then I woke up. Ever since from God, either through post or directly through the hands of people, so much monetary gains have taken place that no one can imagine and thousands of ruppees came." (Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain, vol.22 p.345-346)
Donated money and its expanditure:
All this money which was being extracted on various pretexts, where was it being spent?
"Now we should see whether Promised Mahdi used to give money to his family and relatives from the same collection of donations or from some other source. Everyone knows this thing that Huzoor (Mirza) used to give from the same collection. Thus after his (death) it is obligatory on Anjuman (-e-Ahmadiyya, Qadian) that it should give them in the same manner from these donations as Hazrat Maseeh Mowood used to do,since Anjuman cannot be more honest than Maseeh Mowood." (Izhaar-e-Haqeeqat p.13 dated 28th November 1913, published by Anjuman Ansarullah Qadian)
Mirza accused of Income Tax fraud and misappropriation of disciples' funds:
"This year Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's annual income was fixed at Rs 7200 and and a tax of Rs 187.50 was levied.... Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had dictated in his sworn statement he gets the income from his estate, land and garden; the income from his estate is Rs 82 annas 10, from his land an estimated annual income is Rs 300 and from the garden an estimated annual income is Rs 200/300, or 400 or maximum Rs 500. Apart from that he does not get any other income. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had also stated that he has recieved and estimated Rs 5200 this year from his disciples ..... and this is not spent on his person. There is no record of income and expenditure, he has just recorded this estimate from his memory. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has also stated that his personal income from his estate, land and garden is enough for his personal needs, and he has no need to spend the money of his disciples on his personal expenditure." (Statement of Munshi Tajuddin Saheb, Sub-divisional income tax collector, Batala, District Gurdaspur dated 31 August 1898, recorded in the income tax case no. 46/55 of 1898; mentioned in Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.516)
Mirza gave a sworn statement to the Income Tax collector that he does not spend the money collected from his disciples for his personal needs.
Now read this again:
"Now we should see whether Promised Mahdi used to give money to his family and relatives from the same collection of donations or from some other source. Everyone knows this thing that Huzoor (Mirza) used to give from the same collection. Thus after his (death) it is obligatory on Anjuman (-e-Ahmadiyya, Qadian) that it should give them in the same manner from these donations as Hazrat Maseeh Mowood used to do,since Anjuman cannot be more honest than Maseeh Mowood." (Izhaar-e-Haqeeqat p.13 dated 28th November 1913, published by Anjuman Ansarullah Qadian)
Donations from Disciples and Mirza's Domestic life:
"Initially we used to tell our ladies that they should adopt the lives of Prophets and companions, they eat less and dry things, and dress rough clothes, and the rest they used to save and spend in the way of Allah. Similarly we should also practice. Hence by these sermons we used to save some money and send to Qadian. But when our wives went to Qadian (for Jalsa Salana) and stayed there, observed everything closely, then upon return they attacked us that we are big liars, that they had themselves witnessed the lives of Prophet (Mirza) and companions after visiting Qadian. The kind of comforts and luxury that the ladies enjoy there, even 0.1 % is not available outside, despite the fact that we earn our own money and whatever money goes there, it is sent there for benefit of nation, it is nations mony. Therefore you are liars, who had been decieving us for such a long time with lies, now we will never be decieved by you. Thus now they do not give us money to send to Qadian..." (Kashf-ul-Ikhtilaf p. 13 by Sarwar Shah Qadiani)
"A person from Ludhiana once mentioned in the mosque in front of Molvi Mohammed Ali, Khwaja Kamaluddin, Sheikh Rehmat Ali, that Jamaat takes loan, and people save from the mouth of their children to send donations to Jamaat, but here jewellery and clothes are purchased for Biwi Saheba (wife of Mirza Qadiani), what else happens here?" (Sermon of Mirza Mahmud, 2nd Khalifa, AlFazl Qadian dated 31st August 1938)
"The biggest objection that he (Dr. Abdul Hakeem) raised against Promised Messiah, was related to financial matters, that he (Mirza) takes money from people and then spend it in whatever manner he wants .... he (Mirza) collect donations in the name of publishing books, and in whatever manner collects money from people by decieving them, and then spend it right and left, in whatever manner he (Mirza) wants, no accounts are maintained." (AlFazl Qadian dated 20th January 1921)
Irregularities in Accounts:
"Molvi (Mohammed Hussein Batalvi) Saheb said that you go to Qadian, give my message to Mirza Saheb, that he should give and account of his income to me... public funds are being spent uselessly, where these funds are spent.... I reached Qadian, and conveyed the message of Molvi Saheb. Hazrat Maseeh Mowood told me that I have replied to Molvi Saheb that money comes to me for the sake of God and we spend it for God's sake, we have not kept any accounts..." (Qadiani narration mentioned in AlFazl Qadian No.201 vol23 dated 28th August 1946)
Disciples' Opinion about Mirza:
If one thinks that Mirza Ghulam's disciples were quite happy with the financial irregularities of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani, then they should read the following:
"Hazrat Maseeh Mowood ... expressed great sorrow in the house that despite my saying that it is God's wish that in my lifetime the administration of public kitchen should be in my hands, and if it happens against it then publich kitchen would be closed, but these Khawaja (Kamaluddin) etc are such that they repeatedly ask me to hand over the kitchen administration to them and they distrust me." (Kashf-ul-Ikhtilaaf p.14 by Sarwar Shah Qadiani)
Regarding irregularities in financial matters, mismanagement of public kitchen, and extravagant Mirza Saheb's household expenditure, on one occasion Khawaja Kamaluddin angrily told Molvi Mohammed Ali:
"How unfair it is that you know that the money for nation is collected with such great difficulty and the national reasons for which they give donations depriving themselves from their own needs, that money is not spent on those projects, instead it is spent on personal desires (of Mirza & family) and that amount is also so much that whatever national projects we have started and cannot be finished because of lack of funds and lying pending, if this public kitchen is administered properly, then the only with that saved amount those projects can be completed." ((Kashf-ul-Ikhtilaaf p.15 by Sarwar Shah Qadiani)
"On one occasion when a deputation had gone for collecting donation for the building of a school, Khawaja Saheb told Molvi Mohammed Ali that Hazrat Saheb (Mirza Qadiani) himself spends a comfortable life but preaches us that we should reduce our expenditure. In reply Molvi Saheb said that yes this cannot be denied but it is just human." (Letter of Mian Mahmud to Hakeem Nuruddin, Haqeeqat-e-Ikhtilaaf p. 53 by Molvi Mohammed Ali)
Mirza gets angry on his mureeds:
"He who gives me and then reproach me for being spendthrift, he attacks me, such an attack cannot be tolerated... I do not even consider such people like dead insects whose hearts contain mistrusts ... I am not a trader that I will keep a balance sheet. I am also not a treasurer that I will give audit to someone." (Statement of Mirza Qadiani in AlHakm Newspaper dated 31st March 1905; Malfoozaat vol.7 p.325)
"He (Mirza Saheb) said that today Khawaja Saheb brought a letter of Molvi Mohammed Ali and said that Molvi Saheb has written that the expenditure of public kitchen is little, rest of the thousands of rupees that are collected, where does it go? And then he (Mirza) came into the house and expressed great anger that 'do these people consider us HARAM KHOR (embezzler)? What link do they have with money? If today I leave all this income will stop.' " (Letter of Mian Mahmud to Molvi Nuruddin, Haqeeqat-e-Ikhtilaaf p. 52 by Molvi Mohammed Ali)
Development in Qadian and Incentives for mureeds:
Mirza even made an attempt to lure people into investing into Qadian, in other wards giving money to Mirza Saheb.
"We saw a dream that Qadian has become a hugh city and the market has extended beyond the horizon. High 2 story and 4 story buildings or there are shops with even higher platforms made of beautiful buildings, and fat rich persons with hugh bellies, who brighten the markets, are sitting and in front of them are piles of jewels, diamonds, pearls, money and gold coins." (Mirza's statements in AlHakm Newspaper Qadian dated 3rd April 1902)
Heavenly Graveyard: Another Money making venture:
"Then God sent me revelation and pointed towards a piece of land and said that this is that land, below which is paradise. Thus whoever is buried in it, he will enter paradise and he is among those who are in peace." (Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.675)
Conditions for entering Heavenly Graveyard:
In 1906, Mirza Ghulam writes his "Will" and stipulates the conditions for burial in the Heavenly Graveyard. He numbers the conditions. Let us have a look at the order in which he writes them:
1.First condition:
".... So the first condition is that whosoever desires to find burial in it, according to his means he shall contribute towards the fund for meeting these expenses."
2.Second condition:
"The second condition is that out of all the Ahamdiyya Community only he shall be eligible for burial in it who leaves a will and testament in his life that following his death one tenth of all property left by him shall go into this fund... "
3.Third condition:
"The third condition is that he who aspires to burial in this Cemetery shall be one who went through life with care, who kept away from what is forbidden, did not commit Shirk, ....." ... (several more conditions) (source: The Will, p 40-44, Roohani Khazain vol.20 p.316-327)
Readers will note that piety comes only third requirement to be buried in this heavenly graveyard, first two being related to money matters. Those who can afford to pay, go into paradise. Very convenient indeed!! Not only that, one has to leave a substantial amount to the Jamaat in his will to find a place. Moreover, Mirza stressed that:
"Hazrat Maseeh Mowood said ... he who does not make a will (leaving an amount for jamaat), he is a hypocrite." (Minhaj-ut-Talibeen, Collection of Speeches by Mian Mahmud, 2nd Khalifa, p.16)
A person can be a crook and yet buy a place in this so-called heavenly graveyard, and yet a pious albeit poor Ahmadi will be unable to find a place in this paradise!!!
All these quotations prove that the most important thing in the life of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani was money. It was money that led him to exploit people's religious weaknesses, and it was money and other worldly considerations that made him henchman of British Masters.
To satisfy his petty carnal desires, he did not even hesitate to trade his faith, and the faith of hundreds of thousands ignorant persons who chose to follow him. He:
Introduced heretical doctrines into the body of Islamic doctrines to justify his un-Islamic claims.
Divided Muslims, by carving a separate ummah out of Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya.
Preached slavery to kuffar and made those who chose to follow him, slaves and subservient to the Kuffar.
Mirza Qadiani and British Government:
Mirza Ghulam takes pride in the heaps of leaflets and articles he produced about the abrogation of the Jihad. His motivation for such writings?
"The respectable officials of Government has always provided testimony in their expression of this firm opinion in their letters that this family is since long hard well-wisher and subservient. Government should take great care regarding this SELF-IMPLANTED SEEDLING . . . . .should instruct its officers to treat ME and MY JAMA'AT with special kindness and favours. Our family has never hesitated in shedding their blood in the way of British Rulers and did not stop from laying down their lives neither do they hesitate now." (Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.350)
"I am personally engaged in such a service to the British Government, which is actually such a well wishing of this great government that is a greater service than my ancestors and that service is this that I have compiled scores of books in Arabic, Persian and Urdu with this reason that ... to obey this government wholeheartedly is obligatory on every Muslim." (Advertisement of Mirza Qadiani, Collection of Advertisement vol.2 p.366)
"Thus I have spent hugh amounts to publish these books and distribute them in the Muslim lands. I know that these books had a lot of effect in this country as well. And those who are linked to me in the bond of discipleship, that is making such a Jamaat whose hearts are filled with true benevolence of the Governemnt, their conduct is great and I feel that they are a blessing for this country and whole heartedly sacrificer of their lives for government." (Advertisement of Mirza Qadiani, Collection of Advertisement vol.2 p.367)
"On page 241 of Braheen Ahmadiyya, there is a prophecy regarding British Government. And that is this: 'God is not such that He will make this Government suffer and you are living in their rule. Whereever is your face, God's face is there'. Since God knows that my heart is happy in the shadow of its patronage and its peaceful government and I remain busy in praying for it, because I cannot do my job properly in either Makkah nor in Madina, nor in Rome (Istanbul), nor in Syria, nor in Iran, nor in Kabul." (Collection of Advertisement vol.2 p.370)
"Hazrat Maseeh Mowood says British Government is my sword. Then why should we Ahmadis not be happy on this victory over Baghdad (Iraq). Iraq, whether it is Arab or Syria, we want to see the shine of our sword every where." (Statement of Mirza Mahmud in AlFazl Qadian dated 7th Sept 1918)
"This is as evident as the daylight that in reality the British Government is a shield under whose protection, Jamaat Ahmadiyya is moving forward. Remove this shield just a little and then see how a dangerous shower of poisonous arrows rain on your head. Thus why shouldn't we be grateful to this government? Our interests are unified with this government and destruction of this government is our destruction and its progress is our progress. Whereever this rule of this governemnt spreads, a new area for preachings opens for us. Thus no objection of any opponent can turn us against the loyalty of this government, as even the most stupid person will not be enemy of his own life." (AlFazl Qadian, vol.3 no.51, dated 19th October 1915)
"I thank Him (God) that He gave me a place in the shadow of such a government, under whose protection I can freely continue my work of preaching and advice. Although it is obligatory on everyone to thank this benevolent government but I tihnk it is most compulsory on me, because my these grand objectives which are being achieved under the protection of the Government of Queen Victoria, it was never to accomplish them under any other government, even if it had been an Islamic Government." (Roohani Khazain vol. 12 p.283)
SubHanAllah!! This is a moment to ponder. What were those objectives that were impossible for Mirza Ghulam to accomplish without the protection of British Government, and which could not have been done in an Islamic Government.
"First of all I pray that AlMighty God may give too much 'BARKAT' in the life of our Highness Queen of Hind (Queen Victoria) and increase her Honour and her Rank and Grandeur and may she remain happy with the well
being of her relatives and sons ... this humble self .. has such high degree of sincerity and love and passionate submission to Huzoor Malika-e-Aalia (Her Highness the Queen) and with her respected Officers that I do not find words to express my sincerity. Due to this true love and sincerity, I wrote a pamphlet on the occasion of Jubilee celebrations of (the coronation) and named it 'Tohfa-e-Qaiseriyah' and sent it to Janab Mamdoohah (the praised one) as a present of Derwesh....I lift my both hands in prayers along with all my close ones that O God! Please keep the rule of this Mubaraka Queen of Hind always over our heads for a long time, may her Kingdom always remain. O Qaiserah-e-Mubarakah! May God protect you and with your long life and honour and successes, may our hearts be pleased.... it is a fact that dil se dil ko raaah hoti hai (loving hearts recognize each other!), I
don't need to use bombastic language to express that I love you and in my hearts especially there is your love and respect. Our day and night prayers are continuously flowing for you like a stream....though I know that the passion that i had in my heart that I should express my sincerity and submission and gratitude in front of Huzoor Qaiserah-e-Hind, May her Kingdom always remain, but I could not express my enthusiasm wholeheartedly." (Sitara-e-Qaiseriyah, Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.111)
"I have filled shelves with books which I wrote in praise of the British, especially about the abrogation of Jihad in which many Muslims believe. This is a big service to the Government. So I hope for an appropriate and good reward." (Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol.7, p.19)
PS: This is a proof that Mirza made these un-Islamic heretical doctrine in return for a reward from the British Government.
Now the picture is absolutely clear. The task that Mirza was engaged in was to extinguish the spirit of Jehad and make them subservient of kuffar. He used to pray to his God for the continuation of the rule of kafir government because it was his shield. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was the first so-called prophet in the history of Prophets, who preached slavery to his disciples. Leave aside of Prophets of Allah, no leader of any nation has ever preferred slavery over freedom for their nation. But Alas! for the petty rewards of this world Mirza traded his faith and the faith of millions who followed him. This was the reason that when he took pledge of allegiance, one of the condition was loyalty to British:
Conditions of Initiation: "I have presented proofs of my 17 years of speeches ... which clearly proves that I am a well wisher of British with my heart and soul...and as I have earlier instructed in the 4th condition of Initiation to truly wish well for the English Government and sympathise truly with the humanity....." (Kitab-ul-Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol 13 p.10)
These facts may be amazing for present generation Ahmadi/Qadiani/Lahori followers, since many of them have not read the books of Mirza Ghulam and their knowledge about their doctrines is largely restricted to the propaganda literature distributed by Jamaat. The biggest proof is the Baith form. Original Baith form is no longer in existence. Present day baith form no longer contains the 4th condition mentioned above. Where is it? Who has removed it and why? Who is trynig to decieve whom? Qadianis should put these questions to their murrabbis.
Extract of Mirza's life:
In 1907, towards the end of his life, Mirza looks back at all his years in the service of his religion and at what he has achieved:
"No one knew me. Nor were my means of livelihood such that I could live in comfort and ease. All that I owned was a little inheritance from my father. Then Allah placed the world at my disposal, while I did not expect to obtain ten rupees per month. God, however, changed my condition and held my hand. Now, I have more than three hundred thousand rupees." (note of compiler: today's equivalent of millions of dollars) (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 22, p. 220-221, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, p. 211-212, 1907)
"It has become obligatory on us and on our progeny to remain eternally grateful to this blessed British Government." (Izala-e-Auham, footnote)
"My advice to my Jamaat is this they should include the Kingdom of English in their 'Olil Amr' (charged with authority) and remain wholeheartedly subserviant to them." (Zuroorat-ul-Imam p. 23)
Quite a way of summarizing a life's work: Money...
Importance of Money in Modern day Jamaat Ahmadiyya:
Mirza's successors uphold the tradition of the Importance of Money:
".....The marriage of Ameerul Momineen, Khalifa tul Maseeh alRabia's (compiler: Mirza Tahir) youngest daughter, Atiya-tul-Mujeeb (Tooba), may Allah protect her, took place in the most happy and blessed gathering tonight at 7.00 pm in the compound of Masjid AlFazl... nearly 600 guests attended....before that after the Juma and Asr prayers Huzoor announced the nikah (marriage contract) which took place with Mukarram Malik Sultan Mohammed Khan Saheb son of Mukarram Malik Sultan Haroon Khan Saheb in return for the Mehr (dowry to be paid to girl) of 1 million Rupees." (AlFazl International 19th November 1999 to 25th November 1999)
Today, the fixation on money is continued in the obligation for members of Ahmadiyya to contribute one tenth to one third of their
monthly income to the Ahmadiyya Movement. On top of that, there are all kinds of special collections for special purposes. Professor Munawwer writes in his article:
There are abundance of donations in Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Every Ahmadi is bound to pay 6% of his earnings as CHANDA AAM. It is a compulsory payment, non-payment is shown as a balance to be paid later in his account. If an Ahmadi refuses to pay CHANDA, he ceases to be an Ahmadi, although CHANDA is an optional thing whose amount is not fixed, a person can give as much as he can afford, whereas TAX is fixed and payment compulsory, non-payment will be shown as a balance in payment and it will never finish.
Apart from CHANDA AAM, there is:
CHANDA SAD SALA JUBILEE (this has now been finished)
CHANDA KHUDDAMUL AHMADIYYA (CHANDA MAJLIS) which is applicable to young people.
CHANDA TAMEER HALL (this hall was constructed in 1973 but the chanda collection still goes on)
CHANDA DISH ANTENNA (Ahmadiyya TV Network)
CHANDA LAJNA AMA'ALLAH (applicable on females)
CHANDA ATFAAL (applicable on children)
CHANDA ANSAAR (applicable to people over 40)
In short, an Ahmadi has to give at least 10% of his earnings every month. There is a voluntary system of collecting the CHANDAS in which the collector does not get any commission. It is unlikely that anywhere this kind of system will be found. Two three times a year different inspectors of different CHANDAS come from the center to audit the accounts and make sure that the amount received is sent to the center (Chanabnagar - Rabwah). Because of this monetary system, Jamaat is accused of being an organized Jamaat, even though there is no system, no laws or regulations and no principles. There is only a system of collecting donations. Had there not been such an organized collection of CHANDAS, today the PRINCES of MIRZA SAHEB's family would not have several murabba lands (approx 1 murabba = 25 acres) nor would they have been spending luxurious and ostentatious lives. These are all the BARAKAAT of this monetary system.
Pason Sy kya kya ho sakta hai